Wednesday 29 May 2019

Shepherds Pie

This was often on the menu when I was a kid. We didnt go along the lines of a roast for Sunday dinner but when we did have roast lamb or it was either hogget or mutton and therefore bigger, shepherds pie was cooked to finish up the roast.

Most people use mince now to make it but traditionally the meat was minced up cold roast.

We had roast lamb Sunday night, a rarity but I had seen a small roast for $11 and thought it was too good to miss. Damn, it was $11 a kilo, the meat was actually $17 but we did have three dinners and a couple of sandwiches from it so not too bad.

Tonight, I cut up the rest of the meat finely, Lucy gratefully received the bone for her dinner, added some mushrooms and bacon with some left over pasta sauce. Cauliflower rice on top with grated cheese over it.

Tuesday 28 May 2019

Bush walking

My class was cancelled this morning giving me a free day. What better way to spent it than going for a drive and then a walk.

Because the car has been in dock for the last couple of weeks, its been awhile since Lucy had been out for a drive, she hadnt forgotten to jump into the back thats sure. She nearly cleared the back seat as well.

Following a nice little path that went alongside of the main road. This shot is of two bridges, one old and one muchnewer will concrete drainage under the path.
Couldnt resist taking this shot as they had walked on while  I was photographing the bridges. ppl

Wednesday 22 May 2019

Knitted Blankets

Finished putting my blanket together today. I knitted this one a little different to save me some time and hopefully look better. The other two that I have knitted this year has been done as squares and then stitched together. Squares are 7 inches by nine inches and final measurement is 45 inches by 54 inches. The pattern I started on did the measurements in inches so just easier to continue using them.
I used two colours mixed with white to give a thicker texture.
Odds and sods balls of wool for the second one.
I decided to get thicker wool, 12 ply for the next one, however I didnt order enough so I went to Spotlight and bought similar colours. Made it by knitting ten inches wide and twelve inches long then changing wool, I made four panels, this one is 40 inches by 48 inches. Would love to crochet around the edges but its so long since I did any crocheting so think I will leave it as it is.
I will deliver them to the charity in the next few days.

Sunday 19 May 2019


This weekend we attended our first of three footy games. We left home early which was just as well because the free buses from the station were nowhere to be seen. Thank goodness for mobile phones so we could look up where they were, no mentionof plan changes were in the packets we received from the AFL.

Walking to the new venue pick up, we saw another couple, the guy was wearing a footy jumper, when asked they were heading to pick up the bus where we had just left. We opted to grab an Uber for the four of us and were dropped off outside the grounds. Three of the four of us were born in South Australia, the opposition team was from there and they were going to catch the same train home as us, they lived in the next suburb.

We left them at the ticket booth as we had prepaid tickets to go into gate two and they had to purchase their tickets.

Great venue very green.
 The Lions mascot on the big screen, there are two massive screens at either end of the oval.
Then the banner for the players to run through. The cooment is to do with the election day.
Nice day out and of course we had to have a pie at half time even though it doesnt quite fit with how we are eating these days but its "law" as Warren said to eat a pie when at the footy.

The Lions led all day and got a bit tired towards the end and there was a goal scored in the dying moments of the game, ending in the results of Lions winning by one point, last few minutes were very nail biting.

Friday 17 May 2019


Or "first to find". Lucy and I went for a longer walk today to find ont that had been published last night. It wasnt that far from home and we just adjusted our walk this morning to get there. Lucy and I spent about twenty minutes looking before deciding that I couldnt find it, it was only me that decided that although Lucy was anxious to keep going.

Warren came home from tennis and asked if we got the ftf. I had to admit that it wasnt to be. He asked or suggested that he go and look (he is more successful than me) and after lunch, we set off again. Lucy couldnt beleive that she was having a second walk and she has slept most of the time since.

Walked up we saw another couple near where we were heading and sure enough it was another cacher that I knew their names but hadnt met them before. Four of us looking for a few minutes before we gave up and contacted the CO (cache owner) He has sent me a photo so it will be another walk in the morning but I feel that I will have to tell him that it has gone. I will take a spare with me just in case he wants me to replace it, hopefully we will be able to snag the FTF.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Top End Wedding

A new movie was released in the last few days. I had seen the shorts on TV and it looked pretty. Also the main character had been in The Sapphires which was about four aborginals girls trying to break into a singing career.

Top End Wedding did not dissappoint. A nice feel movie with some cultural issues along the way. It was filmed in Adelaide, Katherine, Darwin and the Tiwi Islands. Several peoplefrom Tiwi were also featured and their language. When in Darwin, the movie went to Spotlight, the store, I recognized it from when we were up there three years, that was exciting.

The scenery was stunning as there was quite a bit in the outback.

Saturday 11 May 2019

A Fine Piece of Detecting Work

Earlier today Warren downloaded the movie Bonnie and Clyde. Not much on TV on Saturday night as we have discovered before.
Well, what a great and intriguing movie. 
There wasnt that much about Bonnie and Clyde themselves but rather the chase and final end.
No mobile phones to check in and relay information.
A few weeks ago on the American Pickers they came across some photo plates on the final day of Bonnie and Clyde. The guys donated them to a small museum in the local town to keep their history.
Quite a long movie,over two hours but of course no adverts, yay. I also didnt get much knitting done as I didnt want to miss any part of it.

Friday 3 May 2019

Thunder Jacket

We bought one of these for Lucy to help with her anxiety when there are storms around. Now we bought it at the last storm but by the time we had her fitted in it, as the medium one we bought at first didnt fit as it was sized for a med dog of 28 pounds (lbs) not kgs so it had to be returned.

Packing to go away in the caravan, I packed a bag for Lucy as well, with extra lead, harness plus her new jacket and poo bags.

On our last day in Queanbeyan, we had travelled into Canberra to our favourite chicken shop from years ago, yes they are still operating. We bought a pack and went to a lake near where we had lived. Enjoying the autumnweather andthere was a massive noise, atfirst we didnt know what it was then realised it was a thunder clap.

Time to get home and get Lucy's jacket on as living in the van would be or would seem closer.

She did still pant a little but being tucked up inher jacket with her rug over her, she was 200% better than before. Definately money well spent!