Saturday 25 August 2018

Rain and thunder

So long since we have had rain. Last night Warren heard a noise and thought it was our garage door going up, then we realised it was thunder. We were hoping it would develop into some rain which it did.

Lucy had obviouslt forgotten what rain and thunder sounded like and while we were watching tv, she appeared between our chairs. She usually is tucked up i  her chair asleep while we are in the other room. She really needed to go outside for a wee but seemed hesitant so I went out with her, then she realised that it was only wet.

Nuce and damp this morning which made for great sniffs along the creek path when we went for a walk this morning. It was only a short walk as we were going to watch the boys soccer game but when Lucy and I got home, really to go, the game had been cancelled as the ground was too wet.

Hoping to get more rain over the weekend. We will just meet with the kids a little later but no soccer.

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