Wednesday 1 August 2018

A mad dash

I realised that I had a fair few things to do before the weekend. Dont ask me why it is so important to get tgese things done, it is just a task that I set myself.

I had had a ladies lunch, then home.
Things to do, return books to library, due back before Saturday
Post a parcel, not due until Oct but wanted parcel gone so I no longer had to think about it. Drop things at op shop, again no hurry.

Two big things that would take time, grocery shopping and a trip to another town about seventy minutes away.

Friday I want to go to an event.

Discussed with Warren about going to the other town, he suggested tomorrow and stay for lunch. Always up for lunch but couldnt see that he would want to be up for the other things as well.

After watching our show on TV that keeps my mind active, I did the mad dash, everything had been put in the car during the ads.

First op shop, pulled and three trips to their bins, then off again. Parked at library and walked to post office, usually quick to get served but it seemed most people were sending parcels and there was a line up. Pick up books from car, into library and exchange books, both machines were free so didnt take long. Then get into the correct lane so I can in pull in to Meat City and do the meat and vege shopping. Luckily I did have a $1 coin for their trolleys.

Pulled into driveway one hour and five minutes after I left, put groceries away and serve dinner from the crock pot that had been cooking all day. Argh, now two fun things to do over the next two days oh and a little bit more shopping to fill in the gaps, which will only take ten minutes tops!

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