Tuesday 21 August 2018


Usually Warren empties the dishwasher in the morning while he is getting breakfast and my coffee. I have been up a couple of times in the night so as I was asleep when Warren got up, he left me in bed and went to tennis.

I woke a little later and while waiting for my coffee, I went to put his breakfast dishes in the empty dishwasher except I couldnt open it. Oh, well they can wait.

Drank my coffee, took Lucy for a walk and then Warren and I arrived back home at the same time. He told me that the dishwasher was stuck, hum, I had found the samd thing. He tried a knife, a pair of scissors then a screw driver.
Finally the crowbar!
But no, it had to be taken outside and forced open. Damn, everything had survived except my favourite cup, the handle was in two pieces!
This meant a trip to the GoodGuys as being without a dishwasher was not an option.

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