Wednesday 31 May 2017

Winter garden

We have a garden bed that has not been doing very much. have great plans for it but of course it takes time and work to get the physical to look like or seem close to what we have imagined for it.

I want a garden bed full or herbs that i can go out and pick when i need them for cooking with a fountain in the middle of it.

We bought the fountain, its a solar one, almost twelve months ago at the Farm Fest. A few weeks later we bought a large pot at Bunnings, it was for a pot plant so Warren had stopped off the bottom so that it will hold water.

I have had some herbs in there but nowhere near what I ideally want.

Our first weekend home and Warren had to go to Bunnings for a piece of pipe, I decided to go as well to the garden section. We needed about five bags of soil to fill up the garden bed and what better time than to get some plants. Yay! we put the bags in then planted out the plants. (this is big for us, usually we come home and do other things and it just doesn't happen) Havent done the fountain yet as we need to build up the area with rocks or something. At least we have made a start.
There is the old basil plant, I trimmed it and then put in a new one as well. Parsley, one lone tomato, two different types of mint and corriander. The pot is in the middle up side down as it does hold water.

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