Wednesday 10 May 2017

Dog beds

Warren has been talking about making Lucy a dog bed and he had the wood etc to do it but time got away from him before we went away. He was thinking that she needed a bed for winter.

Monday we were having coffee outside and he could see the pile of wood in the back corner of the yard and said that he must get rid of it. i reminded him that he was going to make the dog bed from it.

Next thing he is down there and bring wood up, we were going out to dinner that night and had arranged to do something first so would need to leave around 3.30 p m. I didn't think he would have time but he finished both in about an hour.

As Lucy is having a holiday at Sheri's and they have a little dog, he decided to make one for each dog, then hopefully they wouldn't fight over the one.
So it is a box affair with ropes across the bottom. Warren was threading the rope when I took the photo, he tightened it later.
This was the smaller one with a mat that we had been given which she never used. The mat with the big paw is on Lucy's.

Lucy checking out what he was doing, usually she doesn't stay on the swing if we are not there but i think she thought it was safer up there away from saws and drills.

Warren took the two beds and Lucy down yesterday to check out how the dogs would get on. They were fine so she is off for a holiday with them while we are away.

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