Wednesday 10 May 2017

Catch Ups

All this week I feel as though all I have been doing is catching up. Either with things in the house or meeting up with family and friends.

Probably a silly thing to do was to plan two trips within twelve days of each other but that was just how things fell into place.

This last week we have had a dinner and a lunch at our place, one didn't cater for, a lunch and dinner out and travelling a fair distance to but sometimes its necessary to catch up.

It has rained the last three days, unusual for here. poor Lucy cant really understand why she is not being taken for a walk although as soon as we go on the patio, she turns and goes back inside.

There are things that we want to do but due to weather and time they will have to wait until we are back home again.

I had put one thing on hold (publishing a cache) due to the rain from cyclone Debbie. it meant two trips out to the place and this morning i have put in a request for it to be published. Fingers crossed that it will be okay.

I have another couple out caches but in my 'put things away for the house sitters" mode, the paper that i had written the details on is in a safe place (read,cant find it!) The caches are tucked away safely so they will have to wait until I get back home. I have started a book with written details hopefully that will be harder to "lose".

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