Saturday 27 May 2017

Back from China

It was a whirlwind trip in some ways to China although we were away for twelve days. We went to see the first ever AFL football match to be played somewhere other than Australia. We love our footy and so though why not and of course we visited with friends in China as well.

As China doesnt allow blogs or Face Book, I wasnt able to post our antics but stay tuned as I was able to write a word document and of course take photos so I will be putting them together and then posting on my blog.

China is only two hours difference from here but not sure if it was that or just tired but i have been having trouble sleeping and then of course on the other end, waking up.

We travelled over night and usually cant get too much sleep on the plane but still. Arrived 11 a m and fell into bed for three hours then we collected Lucy. She saw the car come in and she got quite excited, as Warren was getting her stuff to go home, she took off and Riku behind her. No amount of calling by Warren got her back. They raced to the top of the street and up the stairs of the end house to the front door, that house has about thirty steps up. Then they raced down again and back into Sheri's yard.and up the stairs, I think she was just exited and wanted to run. Luckily they live in a dead end street with very little traffic.

My wake up times have been 11.30 am and the last two mornings 9.30 a m.

Have fully unpacked and everything has been washed, I still have some bits and pieces to find a place and put away but in the main it is done.

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