Sunday 26 April 2015


After a lazy day we set off for a new massage place. Years ago we used to get a full massage from the blind people first in Fuyang and we did find a place here in Shaoxing but he moved. The trend is now for foot massages but they do massage legs, shoulders, head and back while the feet are soaking. With the four of us arriving together there was a bit of a flurry and they were struggling to find the right words to tell us to wait five minutes. They had to ring around their people to organise four. We sat for a couple of minutes and then we got the wave to come and follow and were taken upstairs and into a room with four beds. We filed in and took off our shoes and rolled up our pant legs

The water for our feet was very hot and we had rose petals in it, then the pounding of neck head and shoulders. Sometimes it feels very nice when they stop. Very blissful though on the feet as they are massaged one at a time while the other foot is wrapped in a soft cloth. I knew I should have cut my toe nails before coming but no need, my girl did it for me! She also wanted to trim off the hard skin at the bottom of my feet, I vigorously shook my head at that, probably nice but I knew I need to walk a lot in the next few days. Very peaceful lying back while someone rubs your feet sipping on green tea and eating rock melon. Massages take around an hour and then one can relax a little more before floating downstairs to pay, 113rmb each (just over $20).

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