Monday 6 April 2015

A day out in Hong Kong

This morning, after a leisurely breakfast spent chatting with a couple at the next table, they were Brits and having a couple of days in HK after touring Japan, we walked to the water front. There was the Clock tower and lots of ferries crossing between Kowloon where we are and Hong Kong Island. It took us awhile to locate it as some of the roads had to be crossed by going under and through a tunnel called subways. We have used them before in some of the bigger cities in China. We ended up at the Museum of Arts the prices were quite high before we realised that the sign was for yearly tickets. Tickets for one entry was $HK10 or $5 if over 60, ($2 or $1) Warren didn’t have his card with him but the lady at the ticket office asked if we were over sixty and we said yes so she gave us the reduced price.

Very well laid out plenty of space and everyone was pretty quiet, there was a mixture of Asians and Westerners. We did three floors and our feet needed a break as it was a bit of a walk back to hotel.

We opted to go to Maccas and check emails etc can get 20 minutes of free Wi-Fi each day there. Starbucks offers 30 minutes on one device.

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