Monday 3 November 2014


Its that time again, National Novel Writing Month, Nanowrimo or Nano for short. I am writing the third book in a trilogy and not sure if I have enough material to write it but I will give it a shot.

First day and I only wrote 860 words but I have always started off slow so wasn't fussed about it.

Woke up at 4.30am and I was wide awake and thinking over the satrt of my story and how it could be better. At 5.30am, I got up showered and dressed and wrote a thousand words before Warren woke up at his usual time around 6.45am.  he was very surprised as I am NOT a morning person.

Ended up with 2500 words written for the day so a little in front. Its 50,000 words to write in 30 days to achieve a win in Nanowrimo which breaks down to 1,667 words a day.

I should be writing now but I keep finding things to do instead. I have done just over 600 today. Looking at FB last night and some one wrote "Just hit 10K". My fingers wanted to write back "but do they all make sense?" but thought that would be rather unkind.

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