Monday 17 November 2014

When is a senior not a senior?

My passport had expired and while I thought about it, I decided that I should do something about it. Today was the day as these things get forgotten and until suddenly one might need it and oh dear,dont have six months on it.

Used the trusty computer to see what I needed to do, Warren said just go to the post office and get a form, but mine was a renewal not a new one.

Typed in passport renewal and there was a form, I could do it on-line! Yep that's right do it on line but then had to print it out and go to PO with two photos. Fine, I could do that form asked what type of passport, Ordinary, Ordinary with lots of extra pages, or senior, lower fee, yay I go for the senior one and then a Senior is some one over seventy five (75)

For some things I have been classed as a senior since I was fifty but now when there is a lower fee, I am suddenly not old enough! Damn! Passport renewal was $244 ouch! but it only hurts when it has to be paid, after that don't even give it a thought.

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