Friday 14 November 2014


This month being writing month "Nanowrimo" I am feeling the pressure of working as well as writing but I will get it finished and do the 50,000 words required. Last week I was falling behind schedule only wrote 700 on Wednesday and 1000 or so on Thursday, so one days worth over two days. Cant remember what I wrote on Fridays but I was looking at challenges and saw one for 5K in a day, OMG! I think the most I have written in a day before has been about 2500 and this was double!

I did know that I needed to pull something out of the bag so I decided to go for it. 7.30pm I closed the lid of the computer after I had done my final word count 5028, I had done it, Warren had kept out of my way for most of the day bless his little cotton socks. Did another 3k or so on Sunday and around 2 and a bit on Monday and Tuesday putting me two days in front.

Currently sitting on 23000 words I took a night off last night, I have got to a bit of a standstill but I usually wake up with ideas of where to go next in the story. I did have a story line but I didn't really like it so I scrapped that one. Today the writers are off for a weekend of writing so I am challenging myself to write more than the eight thousand that I did last weekend, we will see what happens.

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