Friday 14 February 2014


I have been thinking about this for some time and been lurking on the internet. The library had a brochure about it and course/classes that they were running for the first term. I put it aside to look at later as you do. Picking up some paper rubbish to throw out I had another look at it and decided to just do it!

I selected the writing for fun class as i do enjoy writing but figure I could use some help or just practise. I rang and booked in, cost $10 for the year and $4 for the class/meeting, this is to pay for the rent of the venue.

There were five women and one man and they each read out pieces that they had written during the week, subjects were selected the week before. There was no "why did you write that? could have done that better" etcc etc so really good.

This week I have to write a piece on "A senior moment" could be a para or one or two pages, just to the person and also write uo a mystery object, write clues for people to work out what the object.

No idea yet what I will do for the mystery one but have an idea about the senior moment, just have to write it.

as a group, we will also be writing a short story, with each person writing a chapter each, its an ongoing thing, storyline is Murxder on the golf links, sounds like an Agatha Christie one to me.


  1. Great to read about your U3A experience. I found that the country with the largest U3A population is none other than China. Found an article about it written by some UK academic in 2002. Quite surprised me. I had started to do a little research after JL asked me to speak to the students about Lifelong Learning.

  2. Hi, Im a Caboolture blogger as well as a tutor at U3A, have been since we started'
    So good to find another u3A blogger, are you in Sylvia's class or Helma's

  3. My name is Jean, sorry forgot it came up with my blog name
