Sunday 20 October 2013

The Mole

Love this show but didnt like it when they started changing the times around. had to get Warren to tape it (that says my age, RECORD it). Have missed a few due to holidays but have pretty much kept up with it.

Settled down to watch the recorded show on Thursday morning and it was the last one, the mole would be revealed/discovered! Phone rings and I am needed to go to Sheri's thank goodness for pause buttons. Continued watching yesterday and very happy to say that the one that I thought was the mole was infact the mole.

I had had a few "err,,but it might be her/him" but had always come back to the dizty blonde and yes it was Erin. So happy as although I watch a lot of murder mysteries, I can never pick it until close to the end.

Just a funny little thing about "pause" watching funniest home movies last night, a mum was showing her young daughter she looked about three and a bit, numbers. Put up number three, kid said three, next number was eleven, kid said pause, mum said no, try again, kid said it is pause and went and got the remote and showed it to her mum saying "see, its pause" gotta laugh!

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