Sunday 13 October 2013

Tennis interview

Yesterday we went into Brisbane and beyond for an interview to be a volunteer at the Brisbane International Tennis Comp. There were about a hundred people there and we had an intro then broken into three groups and sent in different directions. Our first activity was to discuss scenerios that had happened over time at the tournement. Next was the actual interview, again in was in our group and everyone was asked why they had applied, most people gave about a two minute answer. Next was working with four or five people building a free standing tower using only five sheets of newspaper and duct tape, my teams stood up for the rest of the time but it was the smallest standing at about four feet high or just over a metre. It finished around 11am, right on time and it was an easy walk back to the train station and home by 1pm. We will be notified of outcome by the end of the month.

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