Monday 28 October 2013

Police check

done and dusted! They were really fast! Got the app from the internet, had to fill in a few details and then get a JP or similar to sign that they had seen the documents, it was like getting a new bank account, needed 100 points, passport is worth 70, drivers license was 35 so easy peasy. Warren took it to the shopping centre Saturday morning as there is always JP's there then, can make a donation to Flying Doctors for using their services. He posted it before coming home, Tuesday we had an email to say that they had it and by Wednesday we could download the results. Doesnt say much, just that the person mentiones as no criminal that date.

Warren attached it to the email to tennis and again in one day we had confirmation back that they had it, now we wait until they send us the online "test" that we should receive by the 15 Nov. I guess they wait until they have everyones and then sent a group one out.

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