Saturday 19 October 2013

Solar Phhhff!

Well, our solar panels were fitted nearly three years and after the first bill was really low, they (bills) hjave been climbing. Last one was $221 and $145 was credited for solar. I set myself a task to reduce it and started by having shorter showers, cooking two meals at once and turning off stove tops early using the residenal heat to finish cooking. Turned off the hot water for the ten days that we were away, came back and wall thingo had a funnt reading, oh no its buggared, had to call the company and last Thursday they came, dissconnected and took it away, maybe four weeks before we get it back! Arrrggg! just as well that we have been trying to turn the tables on our electricity, with no powere from the panels for a few weeks we will really feel it, I think.

They did say that they would come in two weeks and were here in six days so I'm hoping it will be the same with the four weeks, that it will be only a couple. They did say that it hadne been connected properly so maybe our panels once fixed will give a better return??? one can only hope.

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