Monday 28 October 2013

Police check

done and dusted! They were really fast! Got the app from the internet, had to fill in a few details and then get a JP or similar to sign that they had seen the documents, it was like getting a new bank account, needed 100 points, passport is worth 70, drivers license was 35 so easy peasy. Warren took it to the shopping centre Saturday morning as there is always JP's there then, can make a donation to Flying Doctors for using their services. He posted it before coming home, Tuesday we had an email to say that they had it and by Wednesday we could download the results. Doesnt say much, just that the person mentiones as no criminal that date.

Warren attached it to the email to tennis and again in one day we had confirmation back that they had it, now we wait until they send us the online "test" that we should receive by the 15 Nov. I guess they wait until they have everyones and then sent a group one out.

Sunday 20 October 2013

The Mole

Love this show but didnt like it when they started changing the times around. had to get Warren to tape it (that says my age, RECORD it). Have missed a few due to holidays but have pretty much kept up with it.

Settled down to watch the recorded show on Thursday morning and it was the last one, the mole would be revealed/discovered! Phone rings and I am needed to go to Sheri's thank goodness for pause buttons. Continued watching yesterday and very happy to say that the one that I thought was the mole was infact the mole.

I had had a few "err,,but it might be her/him" but had always come back to the dizty blonde and yes it was Erin. So happy as although I watch a lot of murder mysteries, I can never pick it until close to the end.

Just a funny little thing about "pause" watching funniest home movies last night, a mum was showing her young daughter she looked about three and a bit, numbers. Put up number three, kid said three, next number was eleven, kid said pause, mum said no, try again, kid said it is pause and went and got the remote and showed it to her mum saying "see, its pause" gotta laugh!

Saturday 19 October 2013

Solar Phhhff!

Well, our solar panels were fitted nearly three years and after the first bill was really low, they (bills) hjave been climbing. Last one was $221 and $145 was credited for solar. I set myself a task to reduce it and started by having shorter showers, cooking two meals at once and turning off stove tops early using the residenal heat to finish cooking. Turned off the hot water for the ten days that we were away, came back and wall thingo had a funnt reading, oh no its buggared, had to call the company and last Thursday they came, dissconnected and took it away, maybe four weeks before we get it back! Arrrggg! just as well that we have been trying to turn the tables on our electricity, with no powere from the panels for a few weeks we will really feel it, I think.

They did say that they would come in two weeks and were here in six days so I'm hoping it will be the same with the four weeks, that it will be only a couple. They did say that it hadne been connected properly so maybe our panels once fixed will give a better return??? one can only hope.

Tuesday 15 October 2013


Just received our emails to invite us to be ushers so therefore we were successful at the interview! We now have to gain a police check and take a test online but the test can be done as many times as needed. We have to go in again on sat 30 Nov to pick up our uniforms. Yay!

Sunday 13 October 2013

Tennis interview

Yesterday we went into Brisbane and beyond for an interview to be a volunteer at the Brisbane International Tennis Comp. There were about a hundred people there and we had an intro then broken into three groups and sent in different directions. Our first activity was to discuss scenerios that had happened over time at the tournement. Next was the actual interview, again in was in our group and everyone was asked why they had applied, most people gave about a two minute answer. Next was working with four or five people building a free standing tower using only five sheets of newspaper and duct tape, my teams stood up for the rest of the time but it was the smallest standing at about four feet high or just over a metre. It finished around 11am, right on time and it was an easy walk back to the train station and home by 1pm. We will be notified of outcome by the end of the month.

Saturday 12 October 2013


Since my last post we have been to Melbourne, it was cold wet and windy. The traffic was busy and a lot, these days I prefer not to drive in Melbourne and yet i have no worries about driving the van on the highways or anywhere else.

The trip down was good, we took our time, driving only about six hours a day, this included morning tea and lunch stops so pretty laid back. Three and a half days there, caught up with the kids, shared Lindsay's birthday with her and left again two days later.

We travelled back via the coast road and then cut up to Canberra, vivsiting friends in Yass. Our last stop was Moree and we used the heated thermal pools at the park. We had stayed there before but not gone in the pool, this time (we stayed there on the way down too) Warren went in the evening, I didnt think to bring swimmers ( a shopping trip required in Melbourne!). We used it on the way back and went into the 34 and 35 degree pools.