Tuesday 7 February 2012

Red Hats Lunch

Today was our meeting of Red Hats and two of our ladies were doing the activities so that meant that Maureen and I (Queen and Vice-Queen) didnt have to do much. I still collected the money and went and paid the bill but everyone know to have the money ready for me and its not that much of a drama. Its always a releif though when I count the money and it works out. We were farewelling one of our members who has been unable to stay permanently in Australia and they are returning to Denmark to live. We had an interesting trivia quizz about our members, who fitted what description. The one that I didnt get was "Who needs a solictor to" as everyone is over 55 and most are no working, I couldnt think who was a solictor BUT the clue was in the "to" the answer was Sue. Mine was who was born in the year of the dragon and because of that I wear a material dragon on my sash, that was on my birthday card last year. Jonna who is leaving us, gave me a beautiful dragon brooch which I also put on my sash which I wear to most meetings. I was good and only had the grilled steak and no dessert.

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