Thursday 9 February 2012


It started to rain yesterday at 3.20pm, no point going to pick up Jordan as he would have already been on the way home and because he takes short cuts, I would have no idea where exactly he would be. Luckily he was only five minutes away and so didnt get too wet. Five minutes after he arrived, it really pelted, I thought it was hailing but just very heavy. This went on for about ten minutes and then gradually stopped. When I left for home at 4.45pm, the sun was shining until 13kms away then there was water over the road, police were there, derecting traffic as they had closed one side. thankfully after that I was going up a hill, yes, I was but the rain got heavier and heavier making it difficult to see. Several more spots were the water couldnt get away so the gutters had water in them. Very hard to see and I decided that if I couldnt see the white lines on the road then I wasn't going to drive through, did go through some water over the road. It was so nice to pull up in the garage and go inside.

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