Monday 13 February 2012


I didnt look at my book/story until after the holidays. Been home a month and slowly trying to edit it which is really just adjusting sentences and word tenses. yay, I finished it yesterday, on paper, now I need to make changes on computer, all 120 pages of it. i have done 54 so I have set myself a deadline of end of Feb. Will need to do some each day. Its funny though as reading some of the stuff that I wrote, I think to myself, I should have put something about him runninh away here and next sentences or so there it is. The middle bit seems to be a bit wishy washy and it is where it is all fiction, I really have no idea how both of them spent seven years of their life and it seems noone left living knows either so it is purely fiction on my part. I am also going to change the name to just "Norman and Polly". I will also write an epilogue.

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