Tuesday 28 February 2012

Back seat conversations.

Yesterday we went to play group and a lady from the library was there to read to the kids and suggest that parents/carers etc spend ten minutes a day reading to their child or at least chatting to them in the car or going shopping. That is the least of my problems with Aidan. Leaving to hospital today, he had hydro, he saw a dirty 4wd and suggested that it should be washed, I agreed. Driving out, hes chatting about the dirty car again and tells me that it annoyed him, then starts to tell me that Jordan annoys him sometimes. I am a bit non commital at this stage as I was driving in traffic but I asked why, just cos' was the asnwer. Two seconds later, a voice from the back says "I came out of Mummy's tummy" "Yes, I know" said I, "how" asks the voice, I'm afraid I passed the buck and said "You'll have to ask Mummy how that happened" "Oh, okay" Two seconds later "nanna, I cant hear my song, make it louder please" so I did and the song that started was Five little ducks. A few weeks ago when it first played, I suggested they were naughty ducks for running away from their mother, he has a different take on it altogher and says they are good little ducks as they came back, so the questioning begins "nanna why do you say the little ducks are naughty?" Have to have a quick mind to keep up and know what hes talking about. I waiting to hear what tonights topic of conversation will be.

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