Tuesday 28 February 2012

Back seat conversations.

Yesterday we went to play group and a lady from the library was there to read to the kids and suggest that parents/carers etc spend ten minutes a day reading to their child or at least chatting to them in the car or going shopping. That is the least of my problems with Aidan. Leaving to hospital today, he had hydro, he saw a dirty 4wd and suggested that it should be washed, I agreed. Driving out, hes chatting about the dirty car again and tells me that it annoyed him, then starts to tell me that Jordan annoys him sometimes. I am a bit non commital at this stage as I was driving in traffic but I asked why, just cos' was the asnwer. Two seconds later, a voice from the back says "I came out of Mummy's tummy" "Yes, I know" said I, "how" asks the voice, I'm afraid I passed the buck and said "You'll have to ask Mummy how that happened" "Oh, okay" Two seconds later "nanna, I cant hear my song, make it louder please" so I did and the song that started was Five little ducks. A few weeks ago when it first played, I suggested they were naughty ducks for running away from their mother, he has a different take on it altogher and says they are good little ducks as they came back, so the questioning begins "nanna why do you say the little ducks are naughty?" Have to have a quick mind to keep up and know what hes talking about. I waiting to hear what tonights topic of conversation will be.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Lots of phone calls back and forth as Mum was admitted to hospital on Thursday night, I received a call from my sister Saturday lunch time and another about 4pm to say that mum had gotten worse and it was possibly another brain tumour. rang and spoke to a nurse who did admit that it was a possiblity but could be any number of things. Talked to Mum and she sounded not too bad. Phone calls between siblings and hospital all weekend, rang Mum again tonight to find her has gone home and is fine, movements have settled down, scan was clear so brain tumour. Its her birthday tomorrow and having a small party at the lodge.

Saturday 18 February 2012

Garden beds

I have been cooking with a lot of herbs lately and my measley herb garden is not up to it so went and purchased some pots and herbs. Now i have two tomatoes, a pot of basil and one of parsley joining my little pot of mint. Outside in the garden we also have more tomato basil and mint.

Family news

Rang Mum on Tuesday as I was home and she thought that I had heard the news of my uncle dying the night before. No I hadnt but there was a message on my phone when I looked.  U Clem was Dads closest brother and the last of that family, he had his 96th birthday last month and had been pretty good up until the past few weeks. Today I get a call to tell me that Mum is in hospital with involunty movements of her legs and arms, she will be 94 on Wednesday. not a terribly good time at the moment.

Tuesday 14 February 2012


Rained again yesterday, its like being in the tropics, hot in the morning with teaming rain laterin the  afternoons. So heavy when driving home that in one place I could hardly see the road but it did clear up as suddenly as it started. Putting out a bag of rubbish at home there was the most beautiful rainbow and then a noticed a second one with the colours reversed, just had to get the carmera out. It was truly awesome!

Monday 13 February 2012


I didnt look at my book/story until after the holidays. Been home a month and slowly trying to edit it which is really just adjusting sentences and word tenses. yay, I finished it yesterday, on paper, now I need to make changes on computer, all 120 pages of it. i have done 54 so I have set myself a deadline of end of Feb. Will need to do some each day. Its funny though as reading some of the stuff that I wrote, I think to myself, I should have put something about him runninh away here and next sentences or so there it is. The middle bit seems to be a bit wishy washy and it is where it is all fiction, I really have no idea how both of them spent seven years of their life and it seems noone left living knows either so it is purely fiction on my part. I am also going to change the name to just "Norman and Polly". I will also write an epilogue.

Sunday 12 February 2012

Bribie Island for lunch

Friends have been doing it a bit tough lately, health wise and really living in each other's pockets. We decided to take them out to give them a different outlook. First, we went next door for a quick half hour, had been invited to a birthday partyu whhich would go most of the day, we felt that we needed to put in an appearance. Arrived at friends at 12 noon, not ready to go. Finally set off and drove to BI. Nice fish and chip place but someone has little patience for little kids crying 'cause they're hungry and then lunch took awhile to come, they were busy. Lunch was massive, I remembered then that we only ordered a fish platter for one before and shared. Neither couple could finish theirs, which was probably a first. Had a rest when we got home.

Thursday 9 February 2012


It started to rain yesterday at 3.20pm, no point going to pick up Jordan as he would have already been on the way home and because he takes short cuts, I would have no idea where exactly he would be. Luckily he was only five minutes away and so didnt get too wet. Five minutes after he arrived, it really pelted, I thought it was hailing but just very heavy. This went on for about ten minutes and then gradually stopped. When I left for home at 4.45pm, the sun was shining until 13kms away then there was water over the road, police were there, derecting traffic as they had closed one side. thankfully after that I was going up a hill, yes, I was but the rain got heavier and heavier making it difficult to see. Several more spots were the water couldnt get away so the gutters had water in them. Very hard to see and I decided that if I couldnt see the white lines on the road then I wasn't going to drive through, did go through some water over the road. It was so nice to pull up in the garage and go inside.

Wednesday 8 February 2012


On the menu was fish and chips, Warren said he didnt want much and suggested baked beans so a quick and easy dinner. Went to the movies to see the Descendants, pretty good and  not what I expected. Avoided the popcorn but still two icecreams and one drink between us was $13 something, cheaap tuesday so tickets were only $8.
Had coffee when we got home and I did some more editing of my book, thats taking longer to do than the actual writing of it, still about halfway thru now.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Red Hats Lunch

Today was our meeting of Red Hats and two of our ladies were doing the activities so that meant that Maureen and I (Queen and Vice-Queen) didnt have to do much. I still collected the money and went and paid the bill but everyone know to have the money ready for me and its not that much of a drama. Its always a releif though when I count the money and it works out. We were farewelling one of our members who has been unable to stay permanently in Australia and they are returning to Denmark to live. We had an interesting trivia quizz about our members, who fitted what description. The one that I didnt get was "Who needs a solictor to" as everyone is over 55 and most are no working, I couldnt think who was a solictor BUT the clue was in the "to" the answer was Sue. Mine was who was born in the year of the dragon and because of that I wear a material dragon on my sash, that was on my birthday card last year. Jonna who is leaving us, gave me a beautiful dragon brooch which I also put on my sash which I wear to most meetings. I was good and only had the grilled steak and no dessert.

Monday 6 February 2012

Play group

Organized over the weekend to take Aidan to a new playgroup as the old one and kinder are on the same day. First problem was someone had forgotten the key, turned out they hadnt forgotten it but it had travelled to work in hubby car so no assess to the hall and toys. The alt plan was to go to a covered park which seemed a long way away, Esme from the old group was there and she suggested that we go to Maccas, that was fine with Aidan and I. Another grandma came too with her charge, 14 month old Maddie, Aidan played with Sienna, so it worked out well. Shopped after to buy a new schoolbag for Jordan, he was using his own money but I got a good deal for him and a doughnut for AD. Came home and AD says hes going for a rest at 11.30am and would I read him a story. Hes now asleep, kinder and playing must have worn him out. I will be making sausage rolls soon for the lunch box.

Friday 3 February 2012

No kids today (til later)

Aidan is off for a full day of kindergarten today and the house is very quiet. I had tidied the kitchen and dining room, put a load of washing on and checked my emails. I still need to come to "work" to take and pick Aidan up from kindy so I offered to do the housework for the day. Its quite different doing someone else house rather than my own. One thing is I dont touch S&C's bedroom so there will be some things placed outside of their door. I will watch some TV while having lunch and it wont be cartoons