Tuesday 30 July 2024


 After five days at sea, it was time to get off. The third day was supposed to be spent at Norfolk Island buy the seas were too rough to launch the tenders. Warren had a walking trip organised and he had bouggt some chips for breakfast as he had to be on deck at 7am. 

I settled down for a sleep in when an announcement came over to say that Norfolk was cancelled. 

So on the fifth day it was goid to get on land. We had a bus trip organised and made ourxway off the boat and on to small buses. First stop was a resort where we sampled fruits of the island and watched dancers.

Very sweet bananas, the papaya had coconut on it, only way to eat it apparently.

The female dancers, they were students from a local school but they looked in their twenties

Then the men. The guy on key boards was 70% blind.

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