Saturday 6 July 2024

Bedside cupboard of a sickie

 Feeling a bit out of it, I went back to bed. This is how my bedside cupboard looked.

Glass that had held a disprin for headache and temperature. Cough drops for the throat, tissues for the running nose, Vicks to help the nose to breathe and there had also been a coffee cup with the remains of a hot chocolate. Cough syrup and cold/flu tablets were on the kitchen bench.

All of these were needed at some point over the last three days. Needless to say I am feeling remarkedly better tonight, in saying that I have taken my night cold and flu tablet which is designed to clear my nose therefore allowing me to get a good night sleep, we will see.

As Warren tested positive for covid on Sunday, we had been isolating at home and I did go to have my covid vaccination on Wednesday afternoon. I did a test twice for covid and both were negative.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a good day. I did go to parkrun this morning, it was good to get out in the fresh air but needed a sleep once we got home.

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