Saturday 20 January 2024


 I had an apt with one on Wednesday, I get four sessions with her.

Firstly she told me that I needed to have breakfast,for years my breakfast has consisted of a cup of coffee.  I responded by saying that I don't like cereal, she suggested porridge, yuk, that's worse than any cereals.

The next 20 minutes, session was only 30 minutes, she went thru Woolies catalogue pointing out things that would be good for me.

iSo my second breakfast was Jordan's granola and no sugar yoghurt with blue berries on top. Actually I didn't add any blueberries because there were a heap in the granola.

First breakfast was a boiled egg on toast, she suggested making a meal of it with cheese, an egg, spinach tomato and mushrooms. Today I had half a tin of oysters spread on a slice of toast.

I was tested for dietibetes and while it's not an issue my sugar levels were a little higher than she (Dr) would like, hence the dietitian and exercise pysio 

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