Tuesday 23 January 2024

Clothes basket

 We have had a cane basket with lid for more years than I care to think about, we use it as a dirty clothes basket.

It sits in the ensuite between the toilet and the trolley that holds toiletries and fresh towels. It's quite deep and has become a pain to reach in and get the last of the clothes out to wash.

Warren has suggested a couple of things to make it more user friendly, like put a false bottom in it to raise it up. I had the bright idea to make a lining for it but only half as deep. We tend to throw clothes into it from the doorway, it does have a lid but that is never closed. The hinges had broken years ago and it had been reattached with some cord in two places.

First thing was to remove the lid then using a pillow case, I made a sizable bag with elastic around the sides. It can be taken out and to the laundry if need be.

This is the end result. It holds enough for one load of washing.

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