Tuesday 5 December 2023

The 1% club.

 A TV Program that we are enjoying. 

A hundred people are asked the same question, they have 30 seconds to answer. If they are correct, they go on to the next harder question. Each person has 1000 dollars, if they go out ie get it wrong their $1000 goes into the prize pool. 

Supposedly another 100 people have been asked the question and graded so first question is the 90% question. Last night 11 people went out of the first.

This was it.

How meny wirds are korect in theis sentense? Answer of course is 3, how, are and is.

It is a mixture of puzzles, logic and common sense but some are about out there.

We didn't get very far last night, bombed out on a picture puzzle.

It was a moose, a mouse, a sheep and a deer.

Which one was the odd one out.

I came up with three solutions.

1 deer as it only had four letters, the others had five.

2 mouse as the others had horns

3 sheep as it had wool, the others had fur.

Nope, answer was mouse because the plural changed to mice and the others didn't change.

Anyway, two people were left at the end to try for 100,000, the woman took the option of walking away with 10,000. The guy got it right.

Question was January=717, March =5315 June=4624 what does August equal? Answer 6848.

Letters in the month, then number of month then multiply. We were at a loss.

Makes one think.

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