Sunday 31 December 2023

Shoe blow out

 Since getting a bad blister on my heel, I have been wearing my leather thongs to walk in.

I have had these thongs for a few years, very comfy with quite a thick sole and leather straps.

One felt a bit uneven and thinking that I had tried on something, I turned them up. Whoops, no, bits had come off them, the left one was worse than the right but the right one had a hole in the upper.

Time for new shoes. Two shoe stores had nothing that I liked, I don't like rubber thongs so went to the internet.

I wanted something with a decent sole that I could slip on and off.

Only took a week to arrive, comfy, thick sole, leather. Walking this morning and almost got a blister on the top of my foot, need to wear them in a bit more before doing long walks.

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