Wednesday 20 September 2023


 My walks with Lucy these days is down the hill and cross over at the shops then we go from there, our walks are named so she knows where we are going. A couple of days ago, heading down to the shops, she decides that she wanted to go down a laneway. 

Her way of indication that, she heads that way and plants her feet squarely, sometimes she is allowed to go her way, it's easy and we do get to the destination so I let her take me that way.

We have started to come home that way as the top laneway had three little dogs on one side and two in the other and if they are all outside, there's a lot of barking. 

So this day, Lucy gets her way and we go down the laneway. To my surprise, there is a Wisteria vine starting to come into flower.

Beautiful clear blue skies this morning.

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