Thursday 28 September 2023


 Seems incredible that it was three years ago that we were here. It's only a four hour trip from Cairns but we did several stops, morning tea and lunch.

Morning tea is tea and coffee with biscuits and fruit cake.

Lunch is a combined effort with salad stuff coming out of the truck, bread, lettuce tomatoes cucumber,onions red capsicum, tinned beetroot and asparagus and corn with cold meats to make a sandwich or wrap. Folding chairs come out of the other side of the truck. After eating everyone jumps in to help wash up and pack everything away. Twenty minutes for Mt and about an hour for lunch. We stop at interesting places along the way as well.

Our bus/truck. Three large steps to get up into the bus, thankfully there are rails to pull up as it is not that easy. Cooks lookout.

Two of our people looking at the actual lighthouse.

Everyone chipping in to get lunch ready.
All meals are part of the package except lunch at Weipa as some are doing a mining tour some are doing a bus trip, some (us) are doing parkrunand geocaching.

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