Monday 29 May 2023

Sumo wrestling

 We did consider going to a sumo practise then discovered that it was one to two hours of sitting still, cross-legged on the floor. Couldn't sit when straight legs or even stretch them as showing the soles of the feet to a sumo is disrespectful. That was enough to put us off going.

But as it happens, there has been a tournament in Tokyo and it's been televised. Did some research and discovered lots of different things about sumo.

Tournaments are fifteen days and wrestlers would have one match each day, there is about eight levels and they progress from one level to another depending on how many bouts they win. Although there is a weight and height requirement to go into the rin, unlike boxing there is no weight or height in the levels.

Bouts are four minutes each although most only last a few seconds, they must get their

opponents either out of the ring or part of their body to touch the ground.

We watched a few afternoons and got to recognise some of them.

Taken from the TV.

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