Wednesday 24 May 2023

Geisha house

 We visited a Geisha house,didn't see any but saw a movie about them. During summer months they do performances each Saturday night but not while we were here.

This is just a print of them.

A mock up of the houses that some live in,more like a communal village.

One of the kimonos

Another photo.

I found it a little disappointing that there was so little. We had to take our shoes off, I was wearing sandals but had taken socks to put on. Up the red staircase, not sure why but I had read before that it's always a red staircase. There were pillows on the floor to sit or very low chairs while we watched the movie. It showed a couple of the games and music that they can perform.

Cost was 400yen or 300 if over 65, so we paid just over $3.

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