Wednesday 18 May 2022

Dinner, the other night.

 Supposed to be a keto meal except for the peas and peanut sauce that I added.

I live egg plant, it was my favourite meal to order in China and so when I saw this recipe, I just had to try it.

Egg plant of course, I sliced a hefty slice from the middle and cut a chicken breast in half. Both of these went into the air fryer for 20 minutes. It was supposed to have tomatoes and basil added to the top after cooking.

We had some cherry tomatoes growing in the garden, two paces away from the patio. With all the rain that we have been having, my foot sank into the lawn, it was very wet and muddy under the grass. Reached the garden bed, all the ripe tomatoes had split in the rain, hence the peanut sauce.

I had watched part if a cooking show early and had all the stuff for the sauce, peanut butter, cream and sweet chilli sauce, zap in the microwave, no dramas.

Next time, I would cook tge egg plant for less time as it went very soft, fifteen minutes would have been enough.

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