Sunday 22 May 2022

A wet Saturday

 What to do? Oh, lets go and find a murderer!

I pinched Warrens face book entry. Yep we played detectives, asked witnesses questions solved puzzles and after three and a bit hours made our move and select the right person as the murderer and the right reasons.

It seemed that there were 100 teams altogether, starting between 9am and 2pm, finishing at 5pm. The blue lines is the places we walked within Brisbane cbd.

Some teams dressed the part, there were cops, FBI, CSI in white suits, a team of two women and a baby were dressed as Sherlock Holmes.

Fun time, didnt get too wet as we took umbrellas, my back was starting to ache a bit at the end, think it was following the phone, I am nit used to looking at my phone all the time.

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