Sunday 29 May 2022

Wild life rescue

 Last Sunday, it was cold and windy and we discovered a bird near our fence line. It didnt appear to be hurt, couldnt see any blood but wasnt walking too good.

I was able to get close enough to pick it up and I took it inside and put it in a box with a towel.

I rang the wild life people. The lady said she had another bird to collect a couple of suburbs away and she would come as soon as she was able. Warren made up a hot water bottle and put it under the box.

Apparently it was a crested cockateal, a young one. The lady arrived about an hour after I rang and by then he was lying down, she said he was very weak and may not survive. She was going to take him home and give him some go juice which might help.

Thursday 26 May 2022


 These are something I have struggled to make so just didn't bother. I mentioned at crochet class that I have not been able to do them and one of the senior members said she had a good pattern.

She had it with her and also one that she had made, she gave me a copy saying that it was for chunky wool or could use two strands together.

I had chunky wool that I bought last year and not made up.

Thursday is craft day so binged watched The Lincoln Lawyer, good show and made two beanies before I went to bed.

This is what I gave made so far, my temperature blanket is underneath. This pattern us so easy, start at the top and doing it in the round, no sewing. Using a no 7 hook us a bit hard on the fingers, I think they look a bit small but Warren and I have tried them obe and they are fine. 

Sunday 22 May 2022

A wet Saturday

 What to do? Oh, lets go and find a murderer!

I pinched Warrens face book entry. Yep we played detectives, asked witnesses questions solved puzzles and after three and a bit hours made our move and select the right person as the murderer and the right reasons.

It seemed that there were 100 teams altogether, starting between 9am and 2pm, finishing at 5pm. The blue lines is the places we walked within Brisbane cbd.

Some teams dressed the part, there were cops, FBI, CSI in white suits, a team of two women and a baby were dressed as Sherlock Holmes.

Fun time, didnt get too wet as we took umbrellas, my back was starting to ache a bit at the end, think it was following the phone, I am nit used to looking at my phone all the time.

Wednesday 18 May 2022

Dinner, the other night.

 Supposed to be a keto meal except for the peas and peanut sauce that I added.

I live egg plant, it was my favourite meal to order in China and so when I saw this recipe, I just had to try it.

Egg plant of course, I sliced a hefty slice from the middle and cut a chicken breast in half. Both of these went into the air fryer for 20 minutes. It was supposed to have tomatoes and basil added to the top after cooking.

We had some cherry tomatoes growing in the garden, two paces away from the patio. With all the rain that we have been having, my foot sank into the lawn, it was very wet and muddy under the grass. Reached the garden bed, all the ripe tomatoes had split in the rain, hence the peanut sauce.

I had watched part if a cooking show early and had all the stuff for the sauce, peanut butter, cream and sweet chilli sauce, zap in the microwave, no dramas.

Next time, I would cook tge egg plant for less time as it went very soft, fifteen minutes would have been enough.

Saturday 14 May 2022

Roaring river

 Most of the time it is a bubbling brook with only a small amount of water moving through. 

After a week of rain, this is what it looked like this afternoon. 

Poor Lucy didnt get a walk yesterday as the showers did not let up and today was much the same, then I saw that pyddles on the driveway were no longer there. Rain had stopped. Quickly put on shoes and harness and off we went. The photos were taken a couple of minutes walk from home.

We had fine misty rain all the way, jyst enough to get wet hair and worse, glasses that I couldnt see through, I had to take them off halfway around. 

Lucy had to have her feet dried, floors were throughly washed earlier and we hoped fir a day or so of no paw prints.

Tuesday 10 May 2022

Fully Vacced

 I had a Drs apt today ti renew my scripts. I received paperwork fir flu vac and blood tests, tge ones they think everyone should have every year.

Had to wait in tge back room for flu shot, then had to sit for fifteen minutes. Next to the blood people, they didnt really want to do it, even though I had only had week black coffee.

We went for coffee which ended up lunch. Home for a sleep as I hadnt sleot much last  night, forty minutes later we left to get our second booster so fourth covid shot.

Good idea until I realised I have two sore arms, they will be okay tomorrow.

Saturday 7 May 2022

A new stitch

 It has no written pattern but the guy from fibre spider does a tutorial and it is easy to follow on Youtube.

I started last week with the Every which way fillet but mine was very rounded instead of straight sides.

I checked the website again and this one came up that is called Lace and Diamonds. 

 Its looser  than I would like so I will go down a hook size. Still following his tutorial but got a better idea of what to do. He has a nice voice and calls followers Spiderettes.

My plan is one ball of cream, then pink, mauve and purple. Not sure how long it will rake as I do have three other projects on rhe go. Always promised myself that I would only do ine at a time.