Saturday 8 January 2022

Our lake today

 It rained most of the night and morning. Lucy didnt get a walk. Boy, oh boy is she annoying when she doesnt get a walk. We think she understands several words but "urs raining" she doesnt understand.

I spent some time sewing in tge sewing room while Warren watched the cricket. From about 10am on, Lucy was tracking between the lounge and the sewing room looking at each if us with sorrowful eyes.

I finished what I was doing and checking the weather, it was only sprinkling so I put her harness on, she didnt even mind that I was taking her when Warren was at home. I decided to go to the local lake and walk around it. 

Good plañ. 

 This was the path around the lake, the top side furtherest from the road was completely under. We did walk around this but it got worse so back to tge car, probably only walked 600 or 700 metres but she was happy, she had been for her morning walk.

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