Monday 31 January 2022

A Cake!

 I made a cake! And in my thermomix too, first time too. I needed something fir dessert, I had thought of panna cotta with strawberries then remembered that one if the guests didnt like jelly. Panna cotta is pretty close to jelly so I went looking fir something easy.

I had gluten free flour but not enough so had to add ordinary flouf, the thermo has its own scales so just tip it in. I halved the sugar as I find things are too sweet and jt gad apple in it so a little sweetner there.

It took only a few minutes to organise, it was longer to peel the apples and slice them.

This is it, cooked, realky to serve with ice cream and whipped cream.

I expected the apples to be cooked but they were still a little crunchy. They were just sliced through and pushed into the mixture. I cooked it in the air fryer, 8 serves it made.

Friday 28 January 2022

Gollums door

 This is the name of a cache that has been bugging for for awhile. On Wednesday we were 42 metres away so just had to go get it.

Walking and talking along the water front path, we of course went to far and had to back track.

This was the "door" in a tree, not very far off the ground, hinges and door knobs.

The plate at the bottom had the information that we needed then it was another two hundred metre walk further up the path. I wish I could say that we found it but no we didnt, buggar it. Interesting to find the tree though, Im sure that kids get a kick out of it.

Saturday 22 January 2022


 It is a long way away right? Shopping on Thursday, there were a shelf of hot cross buns.

They had tradionals ones with fruit and no fruit ones, in my opinion, they are def not real.

I admit, I do love hit cross buns so of course I bought a pack, they went straight into the freezer, not with the thought they will keep for Easter, ha, thats not going to happen. 

Getting some ice this morning and I saw them, nice addition to lunch.

A lion

 Loving this book that I bought, the designs are from different people.

I made the lion, the head and body were made in one piece.

Not sure that I like the mane. His eyes are black felt but I have bought safety eyes to use for the next few.

Hes about 7 inches high.

Monday 17 January 2022

Street library

 I had seen a couple of these before, in New Zealand and Melbourne. To my surprise we found two fairly close together, possibly in the same suburb.

They both held a cache, this one was in a book entitled something about geocaching, when the book was opened, it was fake with the log book lying in the middle.

Sunday 16 January 2022


 Warren has been doing parkrun for three or four years. At first I went with him to drive home thinking he may be too tired to drive home. Then I had the bright idea to take Lucy and she and I could walk while parkrun was happening.

All good as long as she cant see the runners as she knew he was part of it somewhere. Last winter I was having trouble sleeping and stopped going along. 

Not sure where the idea came from but somehow I was going to walk parkrun. Sheridan offered to come with me and it was set for last Saturday. It had rained all night abd still raining when we woke up. Not a good idea so it was postponed to yesterday.

First official photo about 700 metres into it.

And then the final, 5ks, one hour two minutes and 27 secs, room for improvements. The bar scans tells me that each week it gets shorter, I told him that I would hold him to that. The ball of my left foot was quite sore but luckily it hasnt developed into a blister. 

Thursday 13 January 2022

Miss Piggy

 After making two elephants, I have started at the front of the book and Peggy Piggy is the first one. She is tiny at only five inches tall. 

Here are the two elephants, dark blue one is smaller, dont know why.

Miss Peggy Piggy

She even has a tiny tail made from 8 chain doubled over, I tied it inside before stuffing the body.  It only took two days to make her, I will probably make another couple, next one in white and then maybe a brown one.

Saturday 8 January 2022

Our lake today

 It rained most of the night and morning. Lucy didnt get a walk. Boy, oh boy is she annoying when she doesnt get a walk. We think she understands several words but "urs raining" she doesnt understand.

I spent some time sewing in tge sewing room while Warren watched the cricket. From about 10am on, Lucy was tracking between the lounge and the sewing room looking at each if us with sorrowful eyes.

I finished what I was doing and checking the weather, it was only sprinkling so I put her harness on, she didnt even mind that I was taking her when Warren was at home. I decided to go to the local lake and walk around it. 

Good plaƱ. 

 This was the path around the lake, the top side furtherest from the road was completely under. We did walk around this but it got worse so back to tge car, probably only walked 600 or 700 metres but she was happy, she had been for her morning walk.

Friday 7 January 2022


 We were out walking today with Lucy. The lake where we were going was about 30kms away and it was fine when we left but had several heavy showers of rain while driving there. 

No rain when we pulled up and we were just hoping it would stay away for the time we would be there. 

We did get a few spots but noting serious.

At the top end of the lake run a reasonably busy street and I was taken by the dragonflies that had been stamped onto the posts. I stopped counting at 20.

Wednesday 5 January 2022

Dish cloths

 I was gifted one of these a couple of years ago and I must admit that it gets used, its either in the sink or being washed.

However it has developed a hole. 

Today I set about crocheting some new cloths. I had bought 12 balls of cotton from an op shop for the measly sum of $3. Just the thing for my project. 

The balls are small and state that they weigh 1 oz, made in Australia so goodness knows how old they are. I remember going to decimal currently but not when we changed the weights, jt was after dc though.

New cloths, takes almost a ball to crochet one, I will make more of them.

ake more of them.

Sunday 2 January 2022

An elephant in the room!

 Sure is!

Just a tiny one though.

I discovered a crochet book that I bought a few months ago, I read it and as I was making a blanket at the time, I put ut to one side. Actually I put it in the console that is between our chairs and forgot about it.

I made the elephant using the colours from my Christmas present. My sewing on of limbs needs to improve.

I have started another one in the dark colours and even though the wool hook and pattern are the same, I think its going to be smaller, only the head and ears done so far.