Friday 1 October 2021

Storm season

 Yep, its started and Lucy is scared of storms. So hard to know what to do for her. Over time we have bought her a storm jacket, anxiety pills etc, nothing seemed to work.

She gets a bit fidgeting so she must hear or sense them before we do.

Last night a storm came over just after dinner, she had been settled in her chair in the family room then she got up and moved to near our chairs. We heard the rumble and realised why she moved. Another rumble and she moved closer, her ears were up, she was panting and looking towards the door, which we had shut trying to keep out as much noise as possible.

Ten minutes later, she got up and walked back to her chair, storm was over but we knew there was another one expected. Second one was about 9.30pm and Lucy came into the bedroom. We invited her up onto the bed, she doesnt get on our bed normally but jump up she did and again she was panting a bit. My thought was that I had just had the doona cleaned, usually she dribbles as well in a storm but she didnt so I think she is getting better. Same thing once the storm was over, off she hops and goes back to her bed.

Tonight the storm was louder and Lucy had been by our chairs, then she stood up and looked at me and then in the direction of the garage. I asked her if she wanted to go in the car. She bolted to the garage door. Last year we had put her in the garage in the car for the duration. Yep, that what she wanted. I opened the car door and put the shed towel down on the seats, she didnt need a second invitation.

I left the door to the car and the garage open so she could get out when she wanted. She came back in twenty minutes later. Damn dog, didn't shut the doors after herself though. Hope we dont have too many storms at least with a kid, they can understand an explanation. 

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