Wednesday 20 October 2021


 Great weather for kayaking, even after the heavy rain we experienced the night before.

I was warned to bring extra clothes as I would get wet and would also need to get out and carry the kayak for a bit.

We had paddled about a kilometre to a waterfall before turning back, had quite a while there, taking a break. There had been logs under the water so had to get out and push the kayak. I decided to keep pushing to the end, about 150 metre even though it was deep enough to paddle, the water was up to my thighs. 

Having my phone in the sun, it overheated and it was only on the way back that it was able to operate again, hence the photo.

Here we were coming up to the first fording which was only about ten metres. I was priding myself that I had not fallen in. Youknow the saying "Pride comes before a fall" well just the other side, I was preparing to get in when my foot slipped on a rock and down I went, the water was a comfortable temp so no drama. 

This was one of the prizes, I had to get between the bank and the overhanging branches and then back out before continuing.

I expected my arms would be sore today but not too bad at all. Left shoulder is a little sore if I raise my arm and my sides around my waist is a little achely. Also I didnt put any sunscreen on so bit pink around my neck. 

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