Monday 28 December 2020


 This morning I went to my usual meet up with friends for coffee. When I arrived I saw one of my friends was talking to Warren on the side of the road. He had been to tennis and was on his way home. I set up my chair and joined them. A small dog came running across the road towards us, stopped in the middle of the road and looked confused, turned and went back. When it turned we saw the long bushy tail, it wasnt a dog but a possum. 

It sat in the gutter for a couple of seconds looking at us, then came back to the middle of the road, we gathered that we were in its way, stopped again then went behind Lesley's and scampered up the large tree on the footpath. The large tree that we sit under for our coffee. 

It's a big old snarky tree with lots of leaves for shade. The possum was in the stem of the tree about five feet up, then it went further up and out on a smaller branch with very little foliage cover. Out to almost the end and then he twisted around and dived into the building that was there. It's a small locked shed that belongs to a sporting club, no windows and only one way in except if you are a possum.

I think someone forgot to tell this guy that hes supposed to be nocturnal.

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