Wednesday 2 December 2020


 Yep November is over and so is Nanowrimo. I didn't have an idea this year that I thought would be suitable for 50000 plus words, had lots of ideas but nothing that had legs. On the first day of November with a blank screen in front of me, I decided to write a series of short stories and tried different genres. 

I even attempted a mystery, not sure that it's much good but as that is mainly what I read, I should be able to write one.

Anyway, this year there was no fanfare when finished, I had got to a particular part in what I was writing and updated my word count, which was at 50,035 and the website told me I was finished and then a congratulatory email came in. 

In previous years, everything had to be downloaded to their website to be validated and often their word count was a little different to mine.

I think I wrote about 23 or 24 short stories, a couple were about 5000 words or more. I did have an extra piece to add to the last story but getting to the magic amount and they tell me I am done makes me wonder about adding it or leaving as it is. Hence I have not even looked at it since the magic 50035 came up. 

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