Saturday 26 December 2020

Old scars

 Today was a cache day and Warren Lucy and myself made our way over to Sandstone point. There was a nice bush walk, the path was cleared and sometimes we were walking in sand, grass or rocks. One side of us was bush, the other was mangroves and d we could see the sea through the mangroves. Mangroves can be smelly and sticky with mud, luckily for us today, it was sweet smelling and we only needed to walk in a little, on the mud.

For Boxing day, the temps were mild and we were home by eleven. The traffic coming home was terrible, we had to cross over the main highway and that was almost at a stand still with people heading north.

Driving into the garage, I felt some pain in my scar. It happened 24 years ago, I worked out. A motor bike fell onto my leg and the brake lever went into my leg. At the time, it took six months to heal and I was left with a bruise like scar on the back of my leg about the size of a tennis ball. It's never caused me any problems except there is a small patch in the middle where I have no feeling.

Well I certainly had feeling today, it was quite painful for a few seconds and then okay and then like a painful stab again. Weird! 

Warren offered to massage it and since then it has been okay. I did notice earlier in the week that the scar has actually become smaller and lighter in colour.

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