Tuesday 12 March 2019

My birthday present

Gifts at our age are always a hassle as we dont need or want much. Often now we will make a request to the other.

My request for my recent birthday was for a robotic vacuumn cleaner, my request was mentioned before Christmas and promply forgotten about until Warren saw an advert and asked if I still wanted one. He then ordered it and it arrived yesterday.

Of course it had to be charged for twelve hours first.
One of the reasons I wanted it was for dog hairs. Lucy is a short haired dog but oh boy does she shed. Sometimes after vaccumning I can still see hair on the floor. I dont think it will take away the need to vacumn altogether but it will help to gather up hair and dust in hard to get at places. It has already been under the table and under the TV cabinet. 
It has been motoring around the house this morning and this what it has picked up! Warren vacced on Saturday morning so it is working. 

Lucy is not too sure about it and she wants to stay right away from it. I will probably set it going each morning while we are out walking. It will be nice to come home to clean floors and Lucy doesnt need to worry about it.

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