Saturday 30 March 2019

Library seminar

Earlier in the year, we both commented that we would like to do a train trip. We thought we would go north on the train, spend a couple of days, hire a car, then return.

I made enquiries but we hadnt talked about an exact date but probably Jul/Aug.

Changing my books at the library last week, they advertised a guest speaker from  Qld rail so I booked in to attend.
The presenter was twenty five minutes late, there was about fifty people waiting and looking around, I think I was one of tge younger ones. Anyway finally the guy arrived and gave us a history lesson which I wasnt expecting and I almost stood and left but he had said that someone else was coming at 10.30.
Much more to my liking and it seems that Rail travel has set tours so we have checked out what we want to go and will take one of their tours.
The one we have chosen has a cruise for a day with snorkling. Much less hassle and eveything will be organised for us. A win/win.

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