Friday 8 February 2019

Well, hello Auckland.

Really do lose a day or more with travel. Left home yesterday at 8.30 to get the train to airport. Had alittletime to waitbefore we could check in, that was easy, only a couplein front of us then the cattle crushtogo through immigration,body scan and passport recognition.

Yay, didnt need to takeouttablet, phone,battery charger,it all went inthe same tray,nothing needed tocome out. Body scanner, beeped at me,noone else had beeped.I wasmotioned over to a girl who just touched myright shoulder,  that was where it flashed red, knew Ishould have tucked that AK47 under my bra strap better. Nah,shejust waved a hand over barely touching me thenIwas free togo.

Uneventful flight of two and ahalf hours think it was pretty full. Warren passport photo works okay in New Zealand,first time in years .

Our hotel was booked because of its closeness to the airport supposely within walking distance twenty minutes or we could get a bus or taxi. We didnt know the way togo but we saw taxis,ah cant be much.

Taxidriver pointed us in the direction of the bus and said it would be $6 each. Go tobus stop, where a group were waiting, nah,it was the smokers zone! So moved on but no we were in the right place! Over the years I have become less tolerateof smoke. Had togo back therebut luckilybus was coming. I board and ask driver for two tickets. No,have to purchase tickets from the machine on sidewalk. Had money out but only card will do.

Warren goes to check in at hotel, the Ibis same as we stayed in London however the one we are booked into in in the city. No problems sir,I will get you a taxi. 

Cost $35 and delivered to door driver says that a taxi from the airport would have been more and in a brochure I read that it is between $75 and $90 to the city. Same guy is coming to take us back to hire company this morning sowe can pick up the motor home.

Burger King was just down the road so an easy dinner, egg and bacon for breakfast. I said I would make coffee while Warren was obtaining breakfast. All the coffee makings,no jug ah but there is a microwave. Except I dont think that it has worked in years.

Work started at the construction site right on the dot of 7am, at least we will not be late for our taxi.
We are on the thirteenth floor.

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