Thursday 14 February 2019


So nice to come on holidays and language is not an issue although there are so strong accents that we havecome across.

Waiting for our tour at the caves, ours was at 10am, we were talking to one of the crew, we think that he ran our boat.
Anyway, there were a lot of Chinese lining up and we wondered if that was our tour but he told us that they were a bus group and because of time restraints would have their own tour and thenmove on. Warren and he had a conversation about tourists ingeneral then he said "Two dickheads ago" which surprised me, thenI realised he had said "Two decades ago" he was saying that it was the Japanese who were coming out and now it was the Chinese.

I had a laugh and told himwhat I thought he said. So far only time the language has caught me out.

But come on who says two decades,wouldnt one say twenty years ago?

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