Saturday 23 February 2019

The Haka

Not sure if the spelling is correct but what I mean is the Maori war dance.

Going out to the Tamiki village by bus, our tour cost included being collected at Blue Lake cp, taken into their main headquarters, then we headed off in a big 40 or so seater bus. On the way we had to select a chief. Their job was to greet the chiefs of the village, accept the hongi, nose presses and lead us around the village.
They arrived by boat.
Our chief had to accept the fern leaf from the Maori chief.
We had all been told that we had to stand, no smiling or laughing and definately no copying their actions.
 Later one spot all the guys had to do the Haka. Warren is in black over the chiefs left arm and John is towards the right in a maroon shirt.
Before we had dinner, they gave a performance including the Haka. These two were the oldest members and I think they were married.

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