Friday 20 July 2018

The White Album concert

Warren saw a doco on the weekend about this and it was stated that the guys involved played the Beatles music exactly the way that they did. He thought it would be worthwhile going to see, plus another favourite of his Chris Cheney of the Living End was one of the artists.

He was able to get two tickets together, although it was marked as limited leg room, he figured we could put up with it for two hours.

We travelled in by train, had dinner.
This was mine, creamy garlic prawns,  this was put up as a "mid main" I assume that it was a smaller meal.

We sat opposite the Brisbane wheel.
Taken from our table. At one point I checked to see if there was any caches, yep, one 63 metres from where we were sitting. Warren asked if I wanted to go up on the wheel. I said NO! 

After dinner we had plenty of time so we wandered over in the direction of the cache. Then he says, if I am going caching with you, its only fair that you come on the wheel with me. Five to minutes and I found the cache so we went over to the wheel. Me thinking that there wouldnt be enough time before the concert. Bummer, there was!
Actually it was fun, I didnt particularly like being right at the top but other than that, it was fine, we did about five rotations.

The concert was brilliant, quite fast paced. They did the album as it was produced. Four singers but mostly it was one singer for one song. One guy had been the singer for Grinspoon. The other two I didnt know but boy could they all sing. There was a sixteen piece band as well.
This photo was their encore.

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